Impact Donors
Impact Donors
Diamond Tier ($5,000+)
Allen Cox (Cox Family Foundation), 3 yr, 2026
Nathan Cox (Cox Family Foundation), 3 yr, 2026
Tom Mitchell (Mitchell Family Foundation), 3 yr, 2026
Morris, Andrews, Talmadge & Driggers, LLC, 3 yr, 2026
The Honorable Mary Windom and Steve Windom, 3 yr, 2026
Platinum Tier ($1,000 - $4,999)
Kastel Enterprises MK LLC
Cunningham Delaney
Tonya Gollotte, 3 yr, 2026
Melanie Harris, (Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund)
Bruce Glusko, (Mutual of America Bruce Glusko)
Alabama Gulf Coast Community Association Organization
Gold Tier ($500 - $999)
Andrea Estevez, Infoblox
Nancy Lambe
Mary Alice Taylor
David and Anna Treutel Charitable Fund
E & T Development
Silver Tier ($100 - $499)
Rachel Bailey Catherine Kaiser
Sally Banta Kristin Koppen
Suzanne Barnhill Monica Leonard
Deb Carlson Elizabeth Manci
Utopia Cassady Peter Mellin
Glenda Colle Judy Niemeyer
Jackie Crum (Richard Maywood Crum Revocable Trust) Joni Parvin
Neill Delaney Jan Pruitt
Cheryl Filliater Carol Rausch
Ginny Fischbach Jamie Saad
Adrienne Gray Becky Sappington
Patti Hanafourde Miranda Schrubbe
Harriette Hawkins Lucia Smith
Dottie Hill Mary Smith
Betty Jackson, (Lytle Land, LLC) Sandra Stepan
Carrie Jackson Savan Wilson
Beverly Kennedy Nancye Wolfe
Kelsy King Renfroe, Hibberts & Co.
Thanks for your contributions!
This support helps us offset our administrative costs.
Lenise Ligon, member since 2018